Sustainable Gift Ideas ❢❢
I'm really into living a sustainable lifestyle and reducing waste. It has been a passion of mine for about a year now and I wanted to share it with you. As you know, the holidays are coming up in less than a month!¡ I know most have started to think about what to buy for all their close family and friends ... so I am making this gift guide to encourage you all to help raise environmental awareness and give you some fun ideas for Christmas 🎔❅
The Body Shop is a cruelty-free brand MAC cosmetics is a classic &
with amazing skincare products. When you they always kill it with their new
buy the Himalayan Charcoal Mask or collections. On top of that, MAC has
face soap part of the proceeds recycling program where for every
buy the Himalayan Charcoal Mask or collections. On top of that, MAC has
face soap part of the proceeds recycling program where for every
go to the Red Panda Network 6 containers you bring back, you get
a free lipstick.
Stainless steel straws with a 2 pc. bamboo cutlery set for on the go.
brush cleaner. Great to keep Includes a fork, knife, spoon, chopsticks,
with you on the go to reduce straw, and straw cleaner. The cloth case
the use of plastic straws! makes it easy to throw in a handbag.
stuffed animals made from 100% WWF and you receive an animal of
organic cotton and stuffing made your choice, a certificate, photo, gift
of recycled bottles. bag and species card.
Office Products:
Blank notebooks are perfect for Sprout pencils are 100% lead-free with
gifts. You can customize the covers They are made from biodegradable
to add a personal touch. It is easy to materials. The best part is when you are
find notebooks made with part post- done using the pencil you can plant it.
Sustainable gift wrapping is everywhere! Artifact holiday cards are printed
Wrappily's paper is 100% compostable & on 100% recycled paper. They are
recyclable.There are so many designs completely customizable. Make
recyclable.There are so many designs completely customizable. Make
that also come double-sided. your own to send out to family &
friends for the holiday season.
Which sustainable gift will you purchase this year?
*no copyright infringement is intended
*no copyright infringement is intended